

篇名 普通高中开设职业类课程的调查与分析
並列篇名 Investigation and Analysis of Vocational Courses Opened in Ordinary High School
作者 王颖
中文摘要 普通高中开设职业类课程是实现高中教育多样化的有效途径。通过对江苏省6所普通高中3个年级的1300余位学生从职业类课程的重要性、开设内容、开设形式、开设途径和评价方式五个方面进行问卷调查得出:该省大多数高中学生对在普通高中开设职业类课程持肯定态度,但是,不同群体之间存在一定差异。因此,在开设职业类课程过程中要进一步强调课程的重要性,丰富课程内容,保障课程开设途径,强化课程评价方式,为满足学生的个性化需求服务。
英文摘要 It is an effective way to achieve diversification of secondary education that offering vocational courses in ordinary high school. In Jiangsu Province, we investigated more than 1300 students studying in 6 ordinary high schools, in the center of 5 aspects: the importance, content, form, place and teacher requirements and evaluation methods of vocational courses. We come to the conclusion that most students hold a positive attitude to the creation of vocational courses. However, there are some differences between different groups. Therefore, to meet the individual needs of students, we should further emphasize the importance of the course, rich course content and protect the courses ways to enhance curriculum evaluation in the process of vocational courses.
頁次 086-093
關鍵詞 普通高中 职业类课程 教育多样化 高中学生 调查问卷 Vocational courses ordinary high school diverse education investigation and analysis
卷期 10:5
日期 201310
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學