

篇名 台灣高等教育擴張後教育公平現況之檢視
並列篇名 Examining the Education Equity Reality after Higher Education Expansion in Taiwan
作者 楊瑩 、楊國賜 、劉秀曦 、黃家凱
中文摘要 在民主社會中,確保不同族群都有公平的受教機會,一直是公共政策的核心價值之一,尤其當高等教育由菁英型邁入大眾化甚至普及型階段後,與公平價值有關的議題隨即成為各界關注的焦點所在。與歐美先進國家發展情況相同,我國高等教育在1990年代以後也出現快速擴張的趨勢,至2004年,18~21歲人口高等教育淨在學率已突破50%。前述淨在學率的提高雖顯示台灣高等教育的普及,但受教人口的擴充是否等同於公平目標的達成,則仍待檢視不同背景學生受教品質是否有差異後,方能釐清。爰此,本文旨在探討我國近20年來高等教育迅速擴張後,不同性別與家庭收入的學生高等教育受教機會之變化,藉此了解高等教育的擴張是否有助於公平理想的實踐,最後根據研究發現提出具體建議供參考。
英文摘要 To assure equal access to higher education for all has been the core value in a democratic society. Especially, as higher education expands from an 'elite' type, through 'mass', to an 'universal' one, the equity issue of higher education has become a hot issue worthy of attention. Similar to European countries and America, higher education system in Taiwan has moved into an 'universal' one, in 2004, while the net enrollment rate of 18-21 age cohort reached 53%. Therefore, whether such a rapid expansion of higher education has been accompanied by an equal access system is an issue worth of examining. This study mainly aims to explore the equity of higher education in Taiwan, by reviewing the accessibility of students in terms of gender, social backgrounds, as well as household incomes. In addition, this paper also tries to review the various assistance schemes for students from disadvantaged families in Taiwan. Based on the findings of this study, suggestions related to the future reform of higher education will be proposed.
頁次 001-035
關鍵詞 教育公平 教育擴張 高等教育 education equity educational expansion higher education
卷期 7:2
日期 201212
刊名 高等教育
出版單位 台灣高等教育學會