

篇名 浙江农村教师保障政策的实施绩效调查
並列篇名 An Investiation on the Performance of Rural Teachers Policies in Zhejiang Province
作者 王凯
中文摘要 浙江农村教师保障政策实施绩效的调研发现,农村教师实际收入明显提高,城乡中小学教师中级职称比例趋于均衡,农村教师学习培训机会增加,但还存在教师绩效工资对生活改善影响较小且缺乏激励,城乡高级职称教师比例差距加大,村小和教学点教师编制紧张,教师工作量偏大,农村教师培训供求差异明显等问题。本文建议建立城乡教师编制双轨制,发挥教师绩效工资的激励作用,关注农村非中心校教师发展,增强教师培训的针对性。
英文摘要 After the survey on the implementation of rural teachers polices in Zhejiang province, we found that payment of rural teachers obviously increases, the ratio of teacher who get the medium-leveled title goes to balance between the urban and rural, rural teachers have more learning opportunities. However, the increased payment impacts the improvement of rural teacher’s living standard less and hardly motivate rural teachers, the gaps of the ratio of teachers who get the high-leveled title is going up, the very remote rural school lack teachers and teachers over there have taken more work than those in the central rural schools, teacher development programs are not meeting the needs of rural teachers. This article suggests that governments should set up the dual system for providing the extra number of teachers for rural schools, get rural teachers motivated by the well-paid and differentiated salary, pay more attention on the non-central rural school teacher development, and provide the highly customized teacher development programs.
頁次 071-083
關鍵詞 浙江 农村教育 农村教师 保障政策 绩效工资 Zhejiang rural education rural teacher policy protective mechanism perfomrance related pay
卷期 9:2
日期 201204
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學