

篇名 当今美英基础教育公平政策的新视角
並列篇名 New Angle of View on Policy of Equality in the Basic Education in Today's US and UK
作者 单中惠 、勾月
中文摘要 在20世纪80年代以来的基础教育公平政策上,关国和英国以新的哲学思路关注教育平等与教育质量、弱势群体学生与所有学生、宏观层面与微观层面以及本国标准与国际水平之间的关系,在新的社会时代和基础教育改革背景下凸显出一些新的视角。
英文摘要 On the policies of education in the basic education since 1980's, US and UK has paid close attention to the relations between equality of education and quality of education, students in small and weak colonies and whole students, macroscopic level and microcosmic level, nation's standad and international level by new philosophies thinking, which has showed clearly many new angles of view under the background of new society and new times, and reformation of the basic education.
頁次 099-103
關鍵詞 美国 英国 基础教育公平 政策 新视角 US UK equality of the basic of education policy new angle of view
卷期 8:3
日期 201106
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學