

篇名 理想的習慣領域:從相對到圓融
並列篇名 An Ideal Habitual Domains: from Relativity toward Compatibility
作者 鄭保村(Bao-Tsuen Jeng)
中文摘要 本文旨在結合科學、認知心理學的觀點及一些事例,以解剖事物、見解、心 念的相對性,並利用習慣領域學說中的七種光明的信念、八種擴張習慣領域的基 本方法、九種深度智慧原理探討如何在相對中圓融求解,以達理想的習慣領域。
首先,界定理想的習慣領域;其次,以相對論、認知論說明認知的迷思;第 三,分別舉古今事例解析見解與心念的相對性;最後,以習慣領域學說論述由相 對到圓融之道。
「警覺是智慧的開端」、「理想的習慣領域的一般通性之一是:不偏見或不分 對錯、是非。」因此,充分掌握七光、八擴、九深並全力知行,包括應用空無原 理,無所住:放空習慣領域,萬事助長,對立中有互補,轉個念:改變參數與環 境,虛心學習、升高察思等都可以突破「習慣領域」的侷限,從而活化「習慣領 域」,解決自己與別人的苦惱,由相對中邁向圓融,建立理想的習慣領域。
英文摘要 This article looks into relativity of our daily life and thoughts by adopting Einstein’s theory of Relativity and cognitive psychology. By pointing out relativity, this article further explores ways from relativity to compatibility, precisely ways toward an ideal state of habitual domains, in light of three concepts of habitual domains theory, namely “the seven bright faith”, “the eight basic methods for expansion” as well as “the nine principles for deep knowledge”.
First, I will explain what is an Ideal Habitual Domains, and then point out myths of cognition from the perspective of the theory of Relativity and cognitive theory. I will further elaborate relativity in our thoughts in different cases. To conclude my point, I will propose ways from relativity toward compatibility by reviewing habitual domains theory.
As Professor Po Lung YU mentioned, “Being aware leads to wisdom,” and “general features of an Ideal Habitual Domains are: no bias and no judgment,” we can go beyond limitation of habitual domains and further revitalize them by practicing methods offered in “the seven bright faith”, “the eight basic methods for expansion” as well as “the nine principles for deep knowledge”, the three major concepts of the habitual domains theory. These methods include the application of void principle, minds arising without attachment (the letting go of habitual domains), the concept of all helpingand contributing, the contrasting and complementing principle, the change of minds (the change of the relevant parameters and the environment), alternating principles, active learning, projection from a higher position. By doing so, we can move from relativity to compatibility and establish an Ideal Habitual Domains.
頁次 025-041
關鍵詞 習慣領域 相對論 認知心理學 無所住 Habitual Domains Theory of Relativity Cognitive Psychology Minds Arising Without Attachment
卷期 4:2
日期 201306
刊名 習慣領域期刊
出版單位 國立交通大學資管所習慣領域研究室、社團法人中華民國習慣領域學會