

篇名 论增强教师创生取向课程实施认同的策略
並列篇名 On Strategies of Enhance Identification of Teachers in Enactment Orientation Curriculum Implementation
作者 韦冬余 、赵璇
中文摘要 创生取向课程实施是课程实施的理想、未来与最终归宿,但目前实践中遭遇到了阻抗。教师创生取向课程实施认同障碍是其中非常重要的原因。增强教师创生取向课程实施认同,要做好如下工作:研究者和策动者通过转变角色,转变交往方式,提高自身素质来提高自己被教师信任的信任度;研究者通过提高创生取向课程实施理论的价值性,增强可行性,提升可操作性来提高质量;教师明确创生取向课程实施价值的深远性与多元性来提高认知;策动者健全创生取向课程实施评价制度。
英文摘要 Enactment orientation curriculum implementation is the ideal future and last end-result of the curriculum implementation, but it has impedance in the present practice. Identify impediment of teachers in enactment orientation curriculum implementation is one of those very important reasons. Enhance identification of teachers in enactment orientation curriculum implementation should do well following works: firstly, researchers and hatchers and instigators advance their honesties through change role、change communicative manners、enhance their qualities; secondly, researchers advance the quality of the theories of the enactment orientation curriculum implementation through enhance the values、enhance feasibility、enhance operational; thirdly, teachers advance the cognition of the values of the enactment orientation curriculum implementation through clear and definite the profound and lasting and pluralism; fourthly, hatchers and instigators create the evaluation systems of the enactment orientation curriculum implementation.
頁次 064-081
卷期 8:3
日期 201106
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學