

篇名 在中国普通高校建立复合式双语课程体系探讨
作者 王唯薇
中文摘要 普通高校学生的英语应用能力普遍较低,所以对于英语要求较高的外经贸专业的学生而言,更需要有效和长期的系统训练。双语教学作为提高学生英语应用能力的重要手段被引入中国已经多年,但实际效果至今并不十分理想。笔者根据自身的双语教学体验,就如何通过建构普通高校国际经贸专业的纵向双语课程体系以及横向和纵向双语课程体系的相互作用,来完成对学生的系统训练,进行了初步探讨。
英文摘要 English skills of students in many Non-key Universities is relatively weak, even including the students of International Business Specialty to which English abilities are basic qualification and a fundamental competence.    Bilingual education is implemented to improve students’ English skills whereas its practical effectiveness is not as salient as that is anticipated so far. This paper consider one of causes is the lack of a progressive, complex bilingual curriculum system which characterizes recursion, persistence and exposure chance of English learning in terms of interactive of a horizontal and especially a vertical bilingual curriculum system.    Research in the paper is based on writer’s bilingual teaching experience.
頁次 47-49
關鍵詞 双语教学 纵向双语课程体系 国际经贸 英语应用能力 Bilingual Education Vertical Bilingual Curriculum System International Business Specialty English skills
卷期 396
日期 200909
刊名 中外教育研究
出版單位 中外教育研究編輯部