

篇名 论班主任基本功的重塑
並列篇名 On the Reshaping of New Basic Skills of Banzhuren
作者 石明兰 、李家成
中文摘要 班主任基本功是指班主任开展班级建设所必须具有的基本能力。班主任的“旧基本功”主要有对班级学生掌控之功、上传下达之功、主题活动表演之功、个别教育之功与校园危机处理之功。在班主任工作变革与专业成长的背景下,“新基础教育”共同体学校的班主任在研究性变革实践中练就了一套“新基本功”,即学习之功、研究班级与学生之功、引领学生成长之功、开展主题活动之功、团队合作之功与教育写作之功。班主任基本功的“新”、“旧”之间,存在着内涵的差异。在班主任基本功的重塑中,研究共同体为其提供生态性滋养;校本培训机制是其保障;班主任动力内化并追求内涵式发展是其关键。
英文摘要 The basic skills of Banzhuren refer to the fundamental abilities they need to carry out the class construction. The traditional basic skills of Banzhuren mainly include the ability of controlling the classes and the students,uploading and releasing the or ders,performing theme activities,dealing vith individual education and handling campus crisis. Under the background of reform and professional development,Banzhuren in the school community of "New Basic Education" develops a set of new basic skills,namely the ability of learning,researching the classes and the students,guiding students to grow,showing theme activities,team work and educa tional writing. The connotation differences exist between the "new" and "old" basic skills for Banzhuren. In the reshaping of new bas ic skills,the research community provides ecosystem nourishment,the school-based training provides guarantee mechanism,the motivation's internalization of Banzhuren and their pursuit of connotative development are the keys.
頁次 058-067
關鍵詞 班主任 基本功 练就路径 新基础教育 banzhuren basic skills practice path New Basic Education
卷期 10:2
日期 201304
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學