

篇名 具有口語能力之聽覺障礙者工作適應初探
並列篇名 A Study on Work Adjustment of Hard-Hearing Adults with Speaking Competence
作者 黃士珊 、陳怡慧
中文摘要 本研究旨在探討聽覺障礙者之工作適應。研究對象為三位以口語為主要溝通方式、具有大專學歷,且穩定就業之重度聽覺障礙者,研究方法採用深入訪談法進行資料蒐集,並分析與詮釋研究參與者工作適應情形。主要研究結果有三:第一,過去的工作經驗會影響聽覺障礙者對於工作的看法,包括建立正確的工作態度和培養工作能力等,因而影響其從事目前工作的表現和工作適應。第二,就理論觀點,聽覺障礙者擁有良好的工作角色行為、工作行為表現佳與正向的工作滿意度,表示其工作適應佳。第三,就主觀觀點,聽覺障礙者對於本身工作適應情形抱持正面評價。最後根據研究結果,分別針對聽覺障礙者及其家人、學校與工作環境,以及未來研究提出具體建議。
英文摘要 Based on Hershenson's development model of work adjustment, this study explored the work adjustment of adults who are hard of hearing. The participants were three adults (two female and one male) who had severe hearing loss and only used the oral communicative mode. All the participants have obtained college degrees and had stable jobs for at least one year while this study was undertaken. The qualitative inquiry was employed and the data was collected through in-depth interviews. The major research results are as follows. 1. The past experiences affected the participants' viewpoints on their current jobs in the areas of work personality, work competence, and work goals. 2. All the participants who were hard of hearing had good work adjustment from the theoretical perspective. 3. All the participants who were hard of hearing had good work adjustment from the subjective perspective.
頁次 031-054
關鍵詞 聽覺障礙者 工作適應 adults who are hard of hearing work adjustment
卷期 27
日期 201212
刊名 特殊教育與復健學報
出版單位 國立臺南大學特殊教育學系