

篇名 學習成效之口語評量理念及其實例
並列篇名 Concepts and Examples about Oral Assessment of Learning Outcomes
作者 李坤崇
中文摘要 學生學習成效評量可善用口語評量,此評量方式較紙筆測驗更能評量認知與情意、較適於評量較高層次結果及較不受作弊影響,具備可評估學生完整概念、立即診斷學生學習問題、增進學生語言表達與組織能力,以及改善學生學習方法與態度等優點。然而,此評量亦存在難以建立適切的評分標準、難以區分語言表達能力與真正學習結果、易因評分主觀造成結果偏差,以及耗時耗人力等缺失。為提高評量效度,本研究提出以下原則:口語評量需與教學目標相關;避免廣泛或模糊的題目;宜使用直接或簡單的問題;允許學生充足時間回答;候答態度應和藹,避免給學生壓力;審慎衡量運用時機;事前建立公正客觀的口試評量規準;事先讓學生了解口試程序與評量規準;盡量請兩位以上受過訓練的優秀人員擔任口試主試等。最後,提供個別口試、分組口試、集體口試、團體討論等四類口語評量的實例以供參酌。
英文摘要 Student learning outcomes assessment can make good use of oral assessment. Because oral assessment has the strengths of being able to evaluate the whole concept and learning problems of students immediately as well as enhance the verbal and organizational skills of students and improve the learning methods and attitudes, it is better than written tests in the evaluation of cognitive and affective outcomes and more suitable for a higher level outcomes assessment. However, it also has weaknesses such as difficulties in establishing the appropriate assessment criteria, judging the real outcomes instead of the language skills, biases of subjective scoring and consumption of time and manpower. To improve the validity of oral assessment should follow these principles: use direct and simple questions which are related to the teaching goals not too broad or vague, leave ample time for students to answer, maintain amiable attitude, be careful in the timing of use it, establish fair and objective criteria and procedure which are understood by the students in advance, be made by more than two highly trained staff. The study then provides some examples of individual, team and group oral assessment and group discussion.
頁次 112-129
關鍵詞 口語評量 口語評量類型 口語評量原則
卷期 226
日期 201302
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司