

篇名 以覺照開拓潛在領域
並列篇名 Expansion of Potential Domains by Means of the Awareness
作者 鄭保村(Jeng, Bao-tsuen)
中文摘要 本文藉覺照方法探究潛在領域或理想習慣領域的開拓。覺照含覺察與觀照二個層面,基本上也包括反躬自省,及對行止坐臥的清楚明白。覺察是單純了知當下是什麼,而不加以思考、批判,感覺、感受、評判都不是覺察;深層的覺察-觀照,是念頭與思路的沈澱與自我的超越,無論是非、善惡、好壞、美醜、黑白…全都不迎不拒、不執不取;觀照也是全然超脫身體與想法、思緒、判斷之外,只有「當下」的清楚、明白與自主。經由覺照可以解除自己與別人的痛苦與煩惱,也可以強化光明的電網,更可以啟開內在的智慧。
英文摘要 This paper investigates expansion of "potential domains" or "habitual domains" by means of the "awareness". Awareness has two aspects, the "perception" and the "stillness". That is, it is a self-reflection and a clear understanding of our daily practices. The perception is the pure knowing of what is the presence without any thoughts and criticisms. Feelings, sensations and judgements are not the perception. The stillness is the deeper perception, the sediment of minds and thoughts and the self-transcendence. There is no attachment to right and wrong, good and evil, beauty and ugliness, and black and white. The stillness is the transcendence of our bodies, ideas, thoughts and judgements. It is the knowing and the autonomy at the "presence". The awareness can relieve the pain and the suffering of yourself and others. It can enhance the circuit pattern of positiveness and enlighten the inner wisdom.
頁次 119-135
關鍵詞 習慣領域 潛在領域 覺照 神經元 電網 Habitual Domains Potential Domains Awareness Neuron Circuit Pattern
卷期 1:2
日期 201006
刊名 習慣領域期刊
出版單位 國立交通大學資管所習慣領域研究室、社團法人中華民國習慣領域學會