

篇名 英文写作中的标点符号问题
作者 刘蓉
中文摘要 根据中英文标点符号本身的差异以及运用规则上的不同,对英文写作中常见的又容易被忽视的几种标点符号的运用规则,尤其是逗号、分号和冒号进行分析和探讨,并结合例句说明标点符号的重要性和正确表达方式,以提高英文写作的质量。
英文摘要 According to the differences between punctuation marks in English and those in Chinese as wall as differences when they are actually used, the article mainly discusses in detail the proper use of some common punctuation marks easily ignored in English writing, especially comma, semicolon and colon. And examples are given to show that punctuation marks are important and erroneous expressions should be avoided. So as to try our best to perfect the English writing.
頁次 092-093
關鍵詞 英文写作 标点符号 运用规则 English writing Punctuation Rules of applying
卷期 420
日期 201005
刊名 中外教育研究
出版單位 中外教育研究編輯部