

篇名 家長教育權、在家教育、非學校型態實驗教育
並列篇名 A Comparative Study on Home Schooling Systems between the USA and Taiwan: Analysis from the Parents’ Right of Education
作者 王志菁
中文摘要 在學校尚未出現前,在家接受教育是很普遍的現象,儘管學校教育普及後,有些家長仍希望透過在家教育的方式,提供子女不同於學校的教育。我國在《教育基本法》公布後,使義務教育階段一般生實施在家教育正式獲得合法的認可。本文將透過美國與台灣在家教育制度的比較分析,探討兩國在家教育制度的特色與差異,並從家長教育權的觀點進行評析;最後,提出對我國未來在家教育制度發展之建議。
英文摘要 Home schooling is not a new phenomenon, but a very old one. Before public schools emerged, children were educated at home by their parents. Today in many countries, home schooling is a legal option for parents who wish to provide their children with a different learning environment than exist in schools. This study will based on the viewpoint of parents’ right of education to compare the home schooling systems characteristic and the difference between the USA and Taiwan. According to the findings and results, this study proposes some suggestions for Taiwan’s home schooling system.
頁次 45-80
關鍵詞 家長教育權 home-based education home schooling parents’ right of education 非學校型態實驗教育 在家教育
卷期 66
日期 200906
刊名 比較教育
出版單位 中華民國比較教育學會