

篇名 情緒行為障礙者的社會關係及社會環境背景之研究
並列篇名 A study of social relationships and social contexts of people with emotional and behavioral disorders
作者 林翠英(Tsui-Ying Lin)
中文摘要 本研究旨在調查情緒行為障礙者的社會關係及社會環境背景之情形。研究對象是 目前安置在中、南部11 個機構或復健醫院的情緒行為障礙者,其症狀包括精神性疾 患、情感性疾患、畏懼性疾患、焦慮性疾患、注意力缺陷過動症、或有其他持續性之 情緒或行為問題者。 根據319 份有效問卷內容,本研究的結果發現填寫問卷的情緒行為障礙者(一) 男性多於女性(二)平均年齡38.9 歲(三)受教程度在高中以下的居多(四)情緒行 為障礙者「與父母的信賴及溝通關係」、「與朋友的信賴及溝通關係」、「與醫院/復健中 心工作人員的合作關係」、「與社區鄰里的正面關係」會因經濟狀況不同及父母婚姻狀 況不同而有顯著差異。 情緒行為障礙者「與朋友信賴及溝通的關係」會因主要照顧人不同而達顯著差 異。在「與朋友信賴及溝通的關係」,情緒行為障礙者的主要照顧人是母親明顯優於 祖父母;情緒行為障礙者的主要照顧人是其他者也明顯優於祖父母。
英文摘要 The purpose of this study was to examine the problems of social relationships and social contexts of people with emotional and behavioral disorders. The subjects of this study were placed in 11 institutions or rehabilitation hospitals throughout Taiwan. Subjects were diagnosed with syndromes that included schizophrenic disorders, affective disorders, phobic disorders, anxiety disorders, attention deficit and hyperactivity disorders, or other sustained disturbances of conduct and behavior problems. Results obtained from 319 completed questionnaires, found that persons with emotional and behavioral disorders evidence these characteristics: (1) males outnumber females; (2) an average age of respondents was 38.9 years; (3) most of them graduated with middle and high school diplomas; (4) economic condition and parental marital status produced significant differences in the areas of a) subject relationship to their parents and the degree of trust/communication, b) subject relationship with friends and the degree of trust/communication, c) subject relationship with hospital/rehabilitation staff and degree of cooperation, and d) subject relationship with community and the degree of positive relationship. There was a significant difference between the caregivers of participating subjects in the friendship relationship area and trust/communication.
頁次 051-078
關鍵詞 情緒行為障礙 社會關係 社會環境背景 emotional and behavioral disorders social relationships social contexts
卷期 24
日期 201312
刊名 彰化師大教育學報
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學教育研究所