

篇名 透過簡訊服務教授英文文法之可行性
並列篇名 The Feasibility of Teaching English Grammar via SMS
作者 Munir Shuib
中文摘要 時下教授英文文法的最新科技為簡訊服務SMS。然而’透過簡訊服務進行文法教學迄今仍未受到研究學者的重視,簡訊服務教學的可行性也尚未獲得肯定。本研究針對馬來西亞一所大學學生與英文教師使用簡訊教學的好處為出發點。本研究旨在了解學生運用簡訊服務學英文的學習態度與動機,以及教師對於用簡訊服務教導英文文法的教學態度與動機。研究結果對於加強學生英文知識與文法運用的英語教學法有重大的影響。
英文摘要 One of the latest techniques to teach English grammar to ESL and EFL students is by using Short Messaging Service or SMS. However, to date, little attention has been given by scholars on how grammar can be taught by using SMS and whether or not they are feasible. This paper will report on a study involving university students and English language teachers in a university in Malaysia on the benefits and challenges of using SMS to teach English grammar. The study seeks students’ views pertaining to their attitudes and motivation for using SMS to learn English grammar as well as teachers’ views pertaining to their attitudes and motivation for teaching English grammar using SMS. The results of the study will have significant implications on English language teaching methodology adopted by teachers to enhance their students’ knowledge and use of English grammar.
頁次 133-144
關鍵詞 簡訊服務 行動學習 文法 英語為第二語言 英語為第二外語 學習態度與動機 SMS mobile learning grammar ESL EFL attitudes and motivation
卷期 9
日期 201207
刊名 SPECTRUM : NCUE Studies in Language, Literature, Translation
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學