

篇名 影響臺灣中學生對科學的態度差異之相關因素探討:以PISA 2006資料為例
並列篇名 Assessing the Factors Contributing to Attitudes toward Science of Secondary School Students in Taiwan: Analyses of PISA 2006
作者 許獻元 、陳怡穎
中文摘要 本研究以PISA 2006所釋出的8,815位臺灣15歲中學生為分析對象,探討可解釋學生「對科學的態度」差異的可能因素。本文依PISA建議,套用重複取樣權數(replicateweights)來進行迴歸分析。研究結果發現,在控制所有變項為常數時:一、性別與經濟社會文化指標對於學生「對科學的態度」的解釋力明顯較高;二、在極小規模學校的學生,其「對科學的態度」相對較高;三、就讀技術導向的學生,其「對科學的態度」較低;四、父母親是否從事科學相關職對於學生「對科學的態度」的影響並不顯著;五、學校的環境議題學習活動、科學學習活動,以及資源與學生「對科學的態度」之間亦無統計的顯著關係。
英文摘要 The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors which contributed to attitudes toward science of secondary school students in Taiwan. Using the PISA2006 dataset, 8,815 secondary school students in Taiwan were analyzed. Regression analysis with replicate weights was conducted to determine factors which can predict students' attitudes toward science. Results showed (a) gender, (b) index of economic, social and culture status, (c) school size, and (d) study program (general versus vocational) significantly accounted for the attitudes toward science held by students. Moreover, we found that (d) mother or father in a science-related career, and (e) school activities for learning environmental topic and promoting the learning of science, and quality of educational resources were not statistically associated with students' attitudes toward science.
頁次 081-099
關鍵詞 PISA 2006 性別 科學教育 對科學的態度
卷期 226
日期 201302
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司