

篇名 C语言程序设计立体化教材建设的探索
作者 葛日波 、朱志刚 、何毅 、刘丽艳 、付蓉
中文摘要 人才培养质量是院校的生命线,课程教学质量是人才培养质量的重要内容。课程教学改革是提高课程教学质量的重要环节,是落实人才质量的根本保证。教材建设和改革是课程教学改革的基础和核心,认真搞好以精品课程建设为目标的立体化教材建设具有十分重要的意义。本文紧密结合工作实际,从主教材、上机指导、习题与详解等纸质教科书建设;电子课件制作;知识库和试题库建设;C—E Learning网络开放资源建设等方面对C语言程序设计课程立体化教材建设与改革进行了探讨。
英文摘要 The quality of personnel training is the lifeblood of institute. Curriculum teaching quality is an important aspect of quality of personnel training. Curriculum reform is an important part to improve the quality of teaching, is the fundamental guarantee for the implementation of quality talent. Textbook construction and reform is the foundation and core of teaching reform, do a good course under construction as the goal of three-dimensional teaching materials is of great significance. This close connection with actual work, from the main textbook, guidance on the machine, exercises and detailed solutions construction paper textbooks, e-courseware, knowledge base and test bank building, C - E Learning network resources be open to the public on the C programming language construction of three-dimensional materials and curriculum reform are discussed.
頁次 33-35
關鍵詞 独立学院 C语言程序设计 立体化教材 建设与改革 Independent Institute C programming language Three-dimensional materials Building and reform
卷期 423
日期 201006
刊名 中外教育研究
出版單位 中外教育研究編輯部