

篇名 高等教育行銷基礎--影響大專科系選擇之因素模式建構
並列篇名 The Marketing Foundation of Higher Education : Construction of the Model of Factors that Relate to the Choice of Majors
作者 何卓飛 、莊清寶
中文摘要 自1994年四一○教改大遊行主張「廣設高中大學」以來,我國學士班人數即急遽擴增,而哪些因素對學生選讀科系產生具體影響,除與學生生涯規劃攸關外,也與大專校院在少子化衝擊下如何適度改善招生行銷策略密切相關。
英文摘要 The number of college students in Taiwan has been growing rapidly since 1994. However, factors relating to students’ choice of majors are not well understood. This study examined such potential factors. The result would provide an informed basis for student’s career planning and institution’s recruitment strategies in response to the impact of low birth rate.
The study constructed a model of factors that relate to students’ decisions on their majors and verified the accuracy of the model by confirmatory factor analysis, using the data of Higher Education Database developed by the Center for Research on Educational Evaluation and Development of the National Taiwan Normal University.    The conclusions are as follow: 1)    students’ choice of majors is related with three potential factors, which are the influence of family and friends, individual conditions, and career development; 2) the validity of this model can be confirmed with cross-validation.
We suggest: first, as universities recruit new students, they should be aware of the influence of family and friends, especially the high school teachers; second, universities should strengthen their cooperation with industries associated with students’ career development, and third, universities should take advantage of the various college entrance procedures to recruit students with similar aptitudes.
頁次 1-35
關鍵詞 高等教育 科系選擇 驗證性因素分析 Higher education Choice of majors Confirmatory factor analysis
卷期 2:2
日期 200712
刊名 高等教育
出版單位 台灣高等教育學會