

篇名 時尚模特兒姿態研究應用於時尚服裝畫之創作
並列篇名 Research on Fashion Modeling Poses for Creating Fashion Design Illustration
作者 張翠園(Chang,Tsui-yuan ) 、周子閎(Chou,Tzu-hung )
中文摘要 「時尚服裝畫」是一種結合時尚、流行與設計創意的繪畫表現。也是服裝設計師與其他服裝產業相關工作人員溝通的重要工具。而「服裝畫」除了新潮的時裝款式之外,模特兒的姿態也是一大亮點。模特兒的姿態是畫面構圖最重要元素之一,肢體語言和表情對於品質具有關鍵性的影響力。讓服裝畫中的模特兒姿態更靈活的呈現,確實有其研究及深入探討的必要性。因此,研究者透過「習慣領域」創新模式來拓展自己的習慣領域,突破創作盲點,達到「作品創新」的目的。
英文摘要 "Fashion illustration" is a painting performance combined by fashion and design creativity. It’s also an important tool for the designer to communicate with other relevant staff in the garment industry. In addition to the trendy fashion styles, figure poses is also a highlight of "fashion illustration". Figure model poses is one of the most important elements of composing a drawing. Body language and emotion expressions play key influence on the drawing quality. There is a need for further research to explore how to develop more flexibility of figure poses. Through the innovation model of Habitual Domains, the researchers attempt to expand personal habitual domain and break on the blind spot of creation, and to achieve the goal of "innovation".
頁次 001-019
關鍵詞 模特兒 人體姿態 服裝畫 習慣領域 Fashion illustration Figure poses Habitual Domains
卷期 5:2
日期 201411
刊名 習慣領域期刊
出版單位 國立交通大學資管所習慣領域研究室、社團法人中華民國習慣領域學會