

篇名 大學生運用英文閱讀後寫作認知及後設認知策略之研究
並列篇名 A Study of College Students5 Cognitive and Metacognitive Strategy Uses in Reading-to-Write Tasks
作者 劉惠倫(Liu, Hui-lun) 、曾守得(Tseng, Shoou-der)
中文摘要 過去研究者已經證明閱讀後寫作對學生的寫作表現的正面影響。本研究旨在探 討台灣大學生閱讀後寫作認知策略和後設認知策略的使用狀況,並比較高成就與低 成就大學生的認知及後設認知策略使用的相似性和差異性。四位英語系大二學生參 加了此研究。本研究要求每位受試者大聲思考、同時撰寫兩個相同主題的摘要。研 究者錄音並錄影記錄受測者大聲思考的過程,並將所有的大聲思考資料逐字謄打成 博多稿進行分析。主要發現包括四個方面:首先,高成就大學生使用了九項認知策 略,低成就學生使用了十項認知策略。其次,高、低成就大學生皆使用了九項後設 認知策略。第三,本研究發現了高、低成就大學生最常使用的三個認知策略相似, 但是其使用目標的考量不同。第四,本研究發現了高、低成就大學生的最常使用的 後設認知策略也迥然不同。比較高、低成就者使用最頻繁的三個後設認知策略,高 成就者所使用的策略較具全面性,而低成就者所使用的策略較著重局部性。根據研 究結果,本研究建議英文寫作老師應明確教導閱讀後寫作的策略知識,以加強學生 對摘要寫作的了解及增進寫作技巧。
英文摘要 Researchers have proved the positive impacts of reading-to-write on students’ writing performance (Esmaeili, 2002; Joe & You, 2006; Olson, 2007; Plakans, 2008; Ruiz-Funes, 1999; Tseng, 2005; 2008). The present study aimed to explore the Taiwanese college students’ cognitive and metacognitive strategy uses in reading-to-write tasks. The similarities and differences between the cognitive and metacognitive strategies used by the high and low achievers were compared as well. Four English-majored sophomores who participated in the present study were required to compose two summaries with the think-aloud method. The subjects’ think-aloud processes were both tape- and video-recorded and all data were transcribed verbatim into protocol transcripts for analysis. The findings included four major aspects. Firstly, the high achievers used nine cognitive strategies and the low achievers used ten. Secondly, both high and low achievers used nine metacognitive strategies. Thirdly, high and low achievers showed similar frequency in the three most often used cognitive strategies but for different purposes. Fourthly, the three most frequently used metacognitive strategies between high and low achievers were compared. The results revealed that the high achievers generally used the strategies on a more global perspective while the low achievers used the strategies on a more local perspective. Based on these findings, it was suggested that the explicit instruction on strategic knowledge involved in the reading-to-write tasks should be emphasized to enhance students’ understanding of summary writing and benefit their writing skills (You & Joe, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002a, 2002b).
頁次 103-131
關鍵詞 讀寫任務 英語為外語之大學寫作 認知策略 後設認知策略 reading-to-write task EFL college writers cognitive strategies metacognitive strategies
卷期 9
日期 201207
刊名 SPECTRUM : NCUE Studies in Language, Literature, Translation
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學