

篇名 國小資優生對教師教學行為的知覺、同儕關係與生涯發展之相關研究
並列篇名 The Relationship between Perception of Teaching Behaviors, Peer Relationship, and Career Development of the Gifted Students at Elementary Schools
作者 張妤婷(Yu-Ting Chang)
中文摘要 本研究旨在探討國小資優生對教師教學行為的知覺、同儕關係與生涯發展之關 係。研究對象取自中部地區7所國民小學六年級資優班學生共146人。研究過程中,採 用「生涯發展量表」、「學生對教師教學行為知覺量表」、「同儕關係問卷」等工 具,研究結果發現:(1)對教師教學行為的知覺為間接類型之國小資優生,其在生涯發 展量表之得分高於對教師教學行為的知覺為直接類型的學生;同儕關係問卷得分高 者,生涯發展量表得分高於同儕關係問卷得分低者。⑵相關方面,國小資優生的生涯 發展與對教師教學行為的知覺為間接類型、同儕正向關係有顯著正相關;與對教師教 學行為的知覺為直接類型、同儕負向關係有顯著負相關。⑶逐步多元迴歸分析發現, 對生涯發展最重要的預測變項為「同儕正向關係一合作」。⑷典型相關分析結果,對 教師教學行為的知覺、同儕關係可解釋國小資優生生涯發展總變異量21%。
英文摘要 The purpose of the study was to investigate the relationship between perception of teaching behaviors, peer relationship and career development of the gifted students at elementary schools. One hundred forty-six sixth-grade gifted students from seven elementary schools located in central Taiwan participated in this research study. The Teaching Behavior Questionnaire, Peer Relationship Questionnaire, and Career Development Questionnaire were employed.
The results of this study showed:
1 The students whose perception of teaching behaviors was indirect had a higher score on the Career Development Questionnaire than did those whose perception of teaching behaviors was direct. The students with positive peer relationship had a higher score on the Career Development Questionnaire than did those with negative peer relationship.
2 The gifted students’ career development was positively correlated with the perception of indirect teaching behaviors and positive peer relationship ; it was negatively correlated with perception of direct teaching behaviors and negative peer relationship.
3 A stepwise regressional analysis showed that the most important predictive variable for the career development was the cooperation of positive peer relationship.
4 The percentage of the total variance of the career development explained by the perception of teaching behaviors and peer relationship was 21%.
The study also provides suggestions regarding the educational and counseling programs for the gifted students and the future research in the area of gifted education.
頁次 043-062
關鍵詞 對教師教學行為的知覺 同儕關係 生涯發展 career development perception of teaching behaviors peer relationship
卷期 28
日期 201306
刊名 特殊教育與復健學報
出版單位 國立臺南大學特殊教育學系