

篇名 教学的双层构成及实践中的逆转趋向——素质教育课堂实践范式的教育社会学视角分析
並列篇名 The Dual System of Classroom Teaching and the Reversal of Quality-oriented Educational Practice: An Analysis of Quality-oriented Classroom Teaching Practice from Educational Sociology Perspectives
作者 代玉
中文摘要 本文以对一所有效实施素质教育的学校的课堂观察和深度考察为基础,剖析其教学的双重构成。课堂上的\"显性的教学构成\"主要表现在\"教学方法的转变\"、\"师生角色的转换\"和\"教师权威的弱化\"三方面,体现了国家政策所倡导的素质教育的理念;而\"隐性的教学构成\"主要是体现了应试教育的某些特征,特别是\"效率性的再建构\"和\"应试知识的强化\"等。教师为了应对来自应试教育和素质教育的双重压力,将素质教育的显性教学构成隐性地转化为有效实施应试教育的途径,而这种逆转也使得应试教育以一种不同于以往的模式在运行着。
英文摘要 Based on the classroom observation and in-depth examination of an effective school in quality-oriented education, the paper analyzed the dual system of classroom teaching in the school. The explicit structure of teaching finds its expressions in the change in teaching methods, the change in teacher-student relationship and the weakening of teacher authority and shows the ideas of quality-oriented education advocated in the national policy. While the hidden structure of teaching shows the characteristics of examination-oriented education, finding its expressions in the reconstruction of efficiency and the strengthening of knowledge for examination. In order to cope with stress from both quality-oriented education and examination-oriented education, the explicit structure of teaching for quality-oriented education is transformed into means of implementing examination-oriented education and the reversal makes examination-oriented education implemented in a new way.
頁次 067-080
關鍵詞 教学的显性构成 教学的隐性构成 显性教学构成的逆转 explicit structure of teaching hidden structure of teaching the reversal of explicit structure of teaching
卷期 9:5
日期 201210
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學