

篇名 師院聽障生特教實習教學省思與專業發展之研究
並列篇名 A Study on Reflective Thinking Ability and Professional Development on Special Education Teaching Practice of Teachers College Students with Hearing Impairment
作者 黃榮真
中文摘要 本研究旨在探討兩位大四師院聽障生於特教實習一學期所進行的教學省思內涵,並針對其專業發展予以探究。本研究採質性研究,運用半結構式深度訪談為主,省思札記為輔之方式進行研究。主要研究結果發現:(一)在教學省思方面1.受限國小特殊學生說話因素,或是教學情境出現其他聲音干擾,將會影響師院聽障生接收外界訊息之能力;2.克服聽力問題的策略有運用班級說話清楚的學生做小老師、同儕協助及訓練眼睛或其他方式觀察學生;3.深覺教學省思對自己的幫助很大;4.自覺最需要加強教學技巧、溝通能力及聽能訓練;5.特教實習獲得協助來源有實習指導教授、同儕、實習原班老師;6.教學前與原班老師討論教學方向與教案,教學中與教學後主動與原班老師請教自己的教學問題;7.教學時運用多層次教學策略、遊戲化教學方法及設計適合的教材教具;8.對學生不適當行為處理,先中止教學,輔以獎勵制度。(二)專業發展方面1.自覺專業知識與態度還需加強;2.課程設計與教學技巧上學到多層次教學及教學活潑化;3.一位師院聽障生會運用策略常與人互動,另一位則較少與人互動;4.自認特教老師應培養診斷鑑定、教學技巧、行政溝通協調等之專業能力;5.特教實習課程對自我專業發展之影響是透過參觀、見習、實習將經驗融會貫通,並具備實際主導教學的能力;6.藉由教學省思提昇自己的專業能力。研究者再根據上述結果,針對師院聽障生特教實習執行現況與未來研究方向提出具體可行之建議。
英文摘要 The main purpose of this study was to explore reflective thinking ability and professional development of two students of teachers college with hearing impairment on special education teaching practice during one semester. The collected data were analyzed by qualitative research method. Qualitative techniques including semi-structured interview and reflective thinking notes. The main findings include: 1. Reflective thinking ability (1) The voices of handicapped students in elementary school or the noise frequently bothered the students of teachers college with hearing impairment. (2) Good ways to solve the problem were to have the assistance of the students with clear voice, the help of the peer, eye-training or other ways to observe the behavior of students. (3) Reflective thinking ability was helpful. (4) The most needs were the teaching skills, communication and auditory training. (5) The helps from the supervisor, peer and original teachers were desired. (6) Discussed the teaching plan with the original teachers before the teaching practice. (7) Used multiple level teaching strategies, teaching by playing and manual teaching materials. (8) Paused the teaching for students with bad behavior, then followed with the encouragement for the good behaviors. 2. Professional development (1) Professional knowledge and attitude needed to be improved. (2) Curriculum design and teaching skill were improved by multiple level teaching plan and active teaching. (3) One student with hearing impairment communicated well with people. The other one was relative weak at communication. (4) Aware that teachers of special education should build up the ability of diagnosis, teaching skill, administration communication etc. (5) The practice curriculum of special education affected the self-development via observation and practices. Building up the teaching experiences would improve the teaching ability. (6) Reflective thinking improved the professional ability. Based on the above findings, several suggestions were made for hearing impairment students on special education teaching practice implementation and future research.
頁次 177-204
關鍵詞 大四師院生 聽障生 特教實習 教學省思 專業發展 senior students of teachers college student with hearing impairment special education teaching practice reflective thinking ability professional development
卷期 12
日期 200406
刊名 特殊教育與復健學報
出版單位 國立臺南大學特殊教育學系