

篇名 以圖像教學檢視身心障礙幼兒多元智能及其發展
並列篇名 Applying Pictures Teaching Method to Explore Multiple Intelligence of Children with Disabilities
作者 鞠宗紋 、魏美惠
中文摘要 本研究旨在透過圖像教學教材瞭解研究個案的優勢智能,以兩位學前多重障礙的幼兒為研究對象,透過單一受試實驗設計,以「圖像教學」為自變項,個案幼兒每週安排約220分鐘,共十九週的時間,一共進行三十七張圖片及十二本自編故事繪本的圖像教學,由家長與教師共同檢視個案幼兒之多元智能及其發展情形。本研究發現個案特殊幼兒威威在「空間智能」的表現較為優勢,而柔柔除了在「空間智能」有不錯的表現外,「人際智能」則為個案較為優勢的能力。威威和柔柔在多元智能的表現後測高於前測,顯示圖像教學能提升個案特殊幼兒之多元智能,意即智能可以經由學習、教導而提升。
英文摘要 This study attempted to evaluate children's superior intelligence using pictures teaching method. Two preschool children with disabilities participated in this experimental study for nineteen weeks. The independent variable was the teaching method involving the application of pictures. There were a total of 37 pictures and 12 story books used for each child. The child learnt language through the picture teaching method 220 minutes per week. Results of this study indicated that one of the subjects "WiWi" had high potential in "spatial intelligence" and "Zuo Zuo" had superior performances on both the "spatial intelligence" and "interpersonal intelligence". The results further revealed that the score of the pre-test was lower than the post-test, indicating that the picture teaching could enhance the development of multiple intelligence.
頁次 101-120
關鍵詞 圖像教學 多元智能 身心障礙幼兒 picture teaching method multiple intelligence preschool children with disabilities
卷期 9
日期 201209
刊名 幼兒教保研究期刊
出版單位 國立嘉義大學幼兒教育系