

篇名 为教师[台前角色]辩护--浅析作为教育者与作为同事的教师角色
並列篇名 Justify for [the Stage Role of Teachers]--Simple Analysis of Teacher Roles As an Educator and Colleague
作者 宗永杰
中文摘要 在学校中教师扮演着教育者与同事两种角色。由于两种角色的差异会产生一定程度的角色冲突,而这种角色冲突的成因与两种角色的特点和形成是分不开的。教师角色冲突引发人们对教师台前角色的思考,对此,应该正确看待教师台前角色的合理性,教师台前角色不是作秀,不是虚假,也不局限于正统与严肃的形象,它也包含真实与生动,是教师个体生命的展现。教师台前角色既是一种教育的需要,也是一种教学的发展。
英文摘要 Teacher plays two roles in school: educator and colleague. There is a role conflict in certain degree because of the differences of two roles, and the reason cannot be divided from the two roles’ character and formation. The conflict inspires our thinking of teacher’s stage role. Is the stage performance right or not? The rationally of teacher’s stage role should be considered properly, teacher’s stage role is not show and falsehood, it is not limited to traditional and rigid image, it contains reality and lifelikeness and is the show of teacher individual life. Teacher’s stage role is not only an educational need, but a development of teaching.
頁次 28-64
關鍵詞 教师角色 角色冲突 表演 teacher role role conflict performance
卷期 6:7
日期 200907
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學