

篇名 论基础教育改革的[基础]
並列篇名 On the [Foundation] of Schooling Reform
作者 李涛 、陈玉玲
中文摘要 当前,我国的基础教育改革经历了轰轰烈烈之后步入了高原期,迷茫与困惑逐渐显现,故有的教育问题与矛盾不但没有解决,反而逐渐恶化,问题的根源在于基础教育改革的[基础]不稳。应以课程史研究为课程改革提供历史实践的标准;以科学精神搞教育实验,以期创立中国特色的教育理论;创立中国的教育改革理论,科学指导教育改革。为基础教育改革奠定[基础],改革即便没有成功,也是非常有意义的事业。
英文摘要 At present, the basic education in China has gone through a vigorous reformation, then entered the plateau stage, the confusedness and difficulties appeared gradually, the question about education has failed to resolve, but has worsening little by little, the root of the problem lies in unstable [foundation] of the reformation of elementary education. Curriculum reform should be based on the history of curriculum, carry out the education experiment in the spirit of science, in order to create of education theory with Chinese characteristics. We should create the theory of education reform with Chinese characteristics, and guide on education reformation in science. It’s very meaningful to lay a new foundation for elementary education reformation, even if the reformation does not work.
頁次 14-16
關鍵詞 基础教育改革 课程史 教育实验 教育改革理论 lack of [foundation] the reformation of elementary education curriculum history education experiment theory of education reformation
卷期 6:1
日期 200901
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學