

篇名 BTEC教学模式对《财务管理》双语教学实施工学结合的启示
作者 郭海芳
中文摘要 课程教学是实践工学结合的直接载体。本文借鉴国际四大职教模式之一的BTEC教学模式,以《财务管理》双语教学为例,探讨了在双语课程教学中如何实践工学结合的主要做法。即从[以就业为导向、以能力为本位、以学生为主体,以质量为生命]的理念出发,在教学模式上突出[项目导向、任务驱动],力图做到教学目标的就业导向性、教学内容的实用性、教学方法的实践性、考核方法的有效性。
英文摘要 Teaching is the direct carrier to apply the Combination of Study and Practice. The paper studies how to apply the Combination of Study and Practice into the bilingual Teaching of Financial Management based on BTEC Philosophy. That is, based on the educational philosophy 'career-oriented, competence-based, students-centered, and quality-as life', we emphasize program-oriented and task-driven in teaching mode in order that the teaching objectives are career-oriented, the teaching contents are close to the real situation, the teaching methods are practical, and the assessment methods are effective.
頁次 17-18
關鍵詞 工学结合 财务管理 双语教学 Combination of Study and Practice Financial Management Bilingual Teaching
卷期 372
日期 200901
刊名 中外教育研究
出版單位 中外教育研究編輯部