

篇名 工作不安全感的研究现状与展望
並列篇名 Review of Job Insecurity
作者 胡三嫚
中文摘要 工作不安全感反映了一种雇员对工作或工作重要特性受到威胁时的感知和担忧。从上世纪80年代以来,它已逐歩成为西方组织行为及职业心理健康研究领域中的一个重要构念。文章从5种视角厘清工作不安全感内涵及研究中存在的混淆之处,对其测量工具、研究取向进行介绍,并对有关其前因、后果和调节变量的实证研究成果进行系统性的总结,在此基础上指出未来研究的方向 :(1)加强对调节变量的研究;(2)在区分组织情境的条件下开展更细化的研究;(3)对前因及后果的细致探索;(4)加强对调节变量的研究;(5)纵向研究的需要;(6)跨文化比较研究。
英文摘要 Job insecurity refers to employee’s perceptions and concerns about the threats of imminent job loss and loss of valued job features. The issue of job insecurity has received growing recognition in the research fields of organizational behavior and occupational health psychology since 1980’s. This paper recommended five distinct ways to clarify the opaque and then focused on the measures and research approaches. Moreover, a great deal of empirical work about antecedents, consequences and moderators of job insecurity has been systematically reviewed. Finally, net trends pertaining to the future research of job insecurity were discussed as follows:(1)standard measurement;(2)situation of organizational changes;(3)antecedents and consequences;(4)moderators;(5)longitudinal research;(6)cross─culture comparison.
頁次 938-947
關鍵詞 工作不安全感 organization employee moderator job insecurity 组织 雇员 调节变量
卷期 15:6
日期 200711
刊名 心理科學進展
出版單位 中國科學院心理研究所