

篇名 服裝設計創意與習慣領域-以「八擴」、「九深」為例
並列篇名 Fashion Design Creativity and Habitual Domains-Using the Eight Basic Methods and Nine Principles
作者 張翠園(Chang, Tusi-yuan)
中文摘要 本研究以「人本」的角度從「心」出發,藉由「服裝設計系學生的作品及設計創作過程的觀察」,來探討習慣領域之「八種擴展習慣領域的方法」(簡稱「八擴」)與「九個深智慧原理」(簡稱「九深」)運用於服裝設計創意與延伸之可能性。研究之進行利用「紮根理論」科學性的資料搜集與深度討論,有系統的剖析設計者創作的靈感來源及其應用元素,並藉由習慣領域之擴展的方法,歸納與建構出「運用習慣領域之『八擴』與『九深』延伸創意靈感的設計流程模式」。研究發現:『八擴』之「虛心學習」、「靜坐禱告」、「以退為進」與『九深』之「空無原理」、「低深原理」、「內部聯繫原理」等,是屬於提升精神層面來輔助設計的方法;「腦力激盪」、「類推聯想」、「改變參數」、「改變環境」、「交換原理」、「對立互補原理」、「循環進化原理」、「變與化原理」、「矛盾原理」等,則是屬於設計技巧運用的方法。而「升高察思」、「矛盾原理」與「痕與裂原理」,在設計過程中被歸納為檢視設計的方法。創意設計的發展是一種動態的過程,每一個步驟都需要來回檢視,因此「矛盾原理」同時被應用於設計運用與設計檢視的過程中。許多創意的來源是在資料整合與分析中產生,許多的設計也都是片段畫面與記憶的組合,因此,一件作品的完成,可能同時整合運用多種創意的延伸方法。設計能力的培養是深層的教育,它需要長時間的琢磨與啟發,雖然短時間無法達到立竿見影的效果,可是長久的強化,必定能奠定自己的核心價值,對學生的學習一定大有幫助。
英文摘要 Through the observation of design process and work from fashion design students, this paper probed the use of "eight basic methods" and "nine principles for deep knowledge" of habitual domains to explore the application and extension of fashion design creativity. Using the qualitative research method of grounded theory synthesized from data collection and in-depth discussions, the researcher systematically analyzed the source of inspiration in designer's creativity and applicable elements. A model of creative design process extended from the "eight basic methods" and "nine principles" of habitual domains was formulated by the applying extension method of habitual domains. "Active learning", "praying or meditation", and "retreating" in eight basic methods, and "void principle", "deep and down principle", and "inner-connection principle" in nine principles are means that can enhance the spiritual dimension to complement the design. "Brain storming", "active association", "changing the relevant parameters", "changing the environment", "alternating principle", "contrasting and complementing principle", "revolving and cycling principle", "changing and transforming principle", and "contradiction principle" are means that can enhance the use of design skills. "Projecting from a higher position", "contradiction principle", and "cracking and ripping principle" are means of inspecting design during the design process. The development of creative design is a dynamic process that requires repetitive inspection in each step. The "contrasting principle" can therefore be utilized in the process of design application and inspection. The source of creativity is often generated from data integration and analysis. Many designs are also combination of screen clips and memory. Therefore, the completion of a work may integrate the use of a variety of creative extension method.. Fostering the design capacity is a deeper education that requires long term polishing and enlightenment. Although it's difficult to meet the short term effect, long term enhancement of habitual domains can establish student's core values and will go a long way in their learning.
頁次 049-076
關鍵詞 習慣領域 八擴 九深 服裝設計 創意 Habitual Domains Eight Basic Methods Nine Principles for Deep Knowledge Fashion Design Creativity
卷期 1:2
日期 201006
刊名 習慣領域期刊
出版單位 國立交通大學資管所習慣領域研究室、社團法人中華民國習慣領域學會