

篇名 提升私立大學校院人文及社會科學研究能量之探討:一所技職大學人文及社會科學教師之觀點
並列篇名 Perceptions on Elevating Academic Research Capability: A Study from the Perspective of Humanities and Social Science Teachers in a Private Technological University
作者 蘇紹雯
中文摘要 現今教育部對高等教育的評比,相當重視教師研究論文的質與量。在此時代中,人文及社會科學教師如何保有傳統人文氣息與對社會關懷的價值觀,且能順應時代潮流,具有更強的競爭力,提升研究能量乃勢在必行。但人文及社會科學教師如何突破研究困境,學校當局又如何協助教師們提升研究能量,是值得關切與探討的議題。本研究以問卷調查與統計計量方式為主,針對一所南部私立科技大學人文及社會科學教師,包括應用外語系、幼保系、運動休閒系等共59 位教師,在其學術研究困難與如何提升其學術研究能量兩項議題,加以探討,並進一步分析此教師之基本資料變數,對以上兩項議題看法的差異性。研究中同時採用訪談之質性研究方法,收集深入的質性資料,對量化問卷的議題加以進一步探討,參與訪談的教師共14 人。研究結果顯示:一、教師的行政工作負擔是影響教師研究能量的最大阻力;二、擴充學校圖書期刊資源與加強圖書期刊資源之分享與流通,是強化教師研究能量的實際方法;三、教師獲得研究經費補助與獎勵能激化教師的研究能量。本文同時提出提升該校人文及社會科學教師學術研究能量方法之建議,以作為屬性相同私立大學校院以及教師提升研究能量的參考。
英文摘要 The number and the quality of published papers produced by the teaching faculty in higher education institutions nowadays are considered one of the most important parameters in MOE’s rating of the institutions. While embracing traditional humanities traits and the value of social concern, the teachers in humanities and social science fields have to do nothing other than elevating their competitive edge by reinforcing their academic research capability. However, the issues as to what the humanities and social science teachers can do to overcome their hurdles of doing research and how the school authorities assist in elevating their research capacity are worthy of concern. While the available literature relevant to these issues looks very scanty, the present paper focuses on identifying the research difficulties of the humanities and social science teachers and investigating into how to elevate their research capacity. A questionnaire survey with statistical analyses is adopted. The subject is 59 teachers in humanities and social science related fields, such as the department of applied foreign languages, the department of early childhood education, the department of sports and leisure management, general studies, and the center of teacher education, in one of the private technological universities in Southern Taiwan. A cross-sectional investigation into the impacts of teachers’ demographical variables on their perceptions on these two issues is also undertaken. In addition, an interview survey was conducted as a supplementary research method in an attempt to extract in-depth qualitative information. Fourteen teachers in the humanities and social science fields were selected at random and voluntarily participated in the interview survey. The main findings are: (1) teachers’ administrative load poses as the biggest obstacle to their academic research capability, followed by shortage of research manpower and resources; (2) increasing volumes of the library resources, e.g. books, journals and documents, in the university as well as enhancing interlibrary circulation of library resources with other institutions can practically empower teachers to elevate their academic research capacity; (3) providing teachers with grant-in-aid or subsidies to do academic research stimulates their research productivity. Suggestions for how to elevate research abilities are provided at the end of the paper.
頁次 115-174
關鍵詞 學術研究能量 學術研究困難 問卷與訪談調查 科技大學 人文及社會科學 questionnaire and interview surveys technological university humanities and social science academic research difficulties academic research capability
卷期 8:2
日期 200912
刊名 中正教育研究
出版單位 國立中正大學教育學院