

篇名 從習慣領域探析項羽的成敗
並列篇名 A Study of Xiang Yu’s Rise and Fall in terms of the Ideas about Habitual Domains
作者 林綉亭(Lin, Hsiu-Ting)
中文摘要 主導人類成敗不同的際遇,背後的道理很簡單,即是習慣領域能否能隨著成長與外在環境、情勢的變化而有所調整,在不同時空的人事物本來就存在極大差異,須隨時調整自己的思想、心態、作為來回應,否則極可能落入盲目原始慣性模式反應,被自己的慣性所敗。本文從習慣領域學說剖析項羽的成敗,項羽特殊世家的背景,與軍事天賦、過人膽識,奇特主動的戰術,乘勢崛起,讓他成為一代霸主。然而,支配項羽習慣領域強有力的電網卻是急躁暴怒、血腥毀滅的,項羽常依其原始慣性模式應用在戰場,以殘暴手段剷除戰場上殘兵敗民,種下敗亡之因,加上剛愎自用,昧於自見,「欲以力征經營天下」;導致項羽最後在烏江自刎,結束傳奇一生。
英文摘要 Ideas about Habitual Domains constitute the theoretical framework of the present study because they play a significant role in people’s life, and illuminate Xiang Yu’s rise and fall.
Xiang Yu came from an aristocratic family. With his military talent and extraordinary courage, he became a powerful overlord. As the circuit patterns that dominated his Habitual Domains were impatient, bloody and destructive, Xiang Yu killed wounded enemies and innocent people brutally and indiscriminately. Likewise, he was opinionated and tried to rule the world through armed forces. As a result of his inability to understand himself and the forces that controlled him, Xiang Yu finally committed suicide by the Wujiang River.
頁次 071-090
關鍵詞 習慣領域 項羽 實際領域 電網 可達領域 Habitual Domain Xiang Yu Potential Domain Circuit patterns Reachable Domain
卷期 4:1
日期 201211
刊名 習慣領域期刊
出版單位 國立交通大學資管所習慣領域研究室、社團法人中華民國習慣領域學會