

篇名 學習障礙學生在國中基測數學科上表現與試題差異功能分析
並列篇名 Differential Item Functioning Analysis for Accommodated versus Non-Accommodated Students on the Achievement of Mathematics Basic Competence Test for Junior High School Students
作者 張萬烽 、吳裕益
中文摘要 本研究旨在探究98學年度國中基本學力測驗數學科申請報讀之學障學生、未申請之學障學生以及一般學生等三個群體在成就表現上之差異,同時探討群體間是否存在試題差異功能(DIF)現象。研究結果顯示一般生在數學科之表現優於其他兩個群體。而在DIF偵測方面,首先在一致性DIF偵測上,發現三個群體間有明顯DIF現象之試題的出現率不高,且並未對某一群體呈現特別有利或不利的情形,另外,不同群體間雖存有非一致性DIF之現象,進一步分析試題內容向度或認知歷程均未顯示對哪一群體產生特別不利或有利的現象。上述結果顯示報讀並未對申請之學障學生在某些題目的作答上產生顯著影響,顯示報讀之考場服務,仍能夠維持考試的公平性,與未申請之學障學生在整體表現上相似,最後本研究提出建議以做為未來研究及測驗實務之參考。
英文摘要 The purpose of this research was to investigate the effects of audio description on the achievement of Mathematics Basic Competency Tests (MBCT). The research participants consisted of the students without disabilities (SWOD), the students with learning disabilities who asked for read aloud (LD-RA), and the students with learning disabilities who did not ask for read aloud (LD-NRA). Through the comparison of their MBCT achievement, it showed that the SWOD performed significantly better than LD-RA and LD-NRA. Furthermore, the analyses of differential item functioning (DIF) showed there was no difference in the proportions of DIF of different groups, and the reasons of the students' difference in DIF items mainly came from the content knowledge they had, instead of the read aloud they asked for. Implications based on the findings were proposed for educators, test developers, and researchers.
頁次 045-070
關鍵詞 考場服務 考試調整 報讀 試題差異功能 學習障礙 test service test accommodation read aloud DIF learning disabilities
卷期 26
日期 201206
刊名 特殊教育與復健學報
出版單位 國立臺南大學特殊教育學系