

篇名 幼兒戲劇教學策略之個案研究
並列篇名 Drama Teaching Strategies for Young Children: A Case Study
作者 劉倚君 、劉淑英
中文摘要 本研究旨在探究幼兒戲劇教師在幼稚園中進行戲劇活動的教學策略,以質性研究方法,透過觀察、訪談、文件分析來收集資料,藉由實際進行的戲劇活動,瞭解幼兒戲劇教師如何應用戲劇教學策略啟發幼兒學習並達成教學目標,以及在進行戲劇教學時面臨挑戰如何克服。 根據研究結果與結論提出二點歸納: 一、靈活多元的教學策略:教師不僅使用教師入戲、口述引導等戲劇教學策略,並同時融入劇場中的聲音元素,使戲劇教學活動更具備創意。 二、信任合作的互動關係:教師藉由觀察幼兒生活、瞭解幼兒需求、等待孩子的準備時間引導幼兒進入戲劇殿堂,讓孩子從遊戲中學習,透過一步步的方式和幼兒建立良好的互動關係。
英文摘要 This study explores the teaching strategies of an experienced kindergarten drama teacher in a practical classroom setting. Using qualitative research and with reference to a range of data gathered through observation, interview and document analysis, the study details the methods used to initiate the young children's learning, how the teacher guided them to achieve course and lesson objectives and goals, and how she overcame the challenges she faced. The study shows how she not only uses specialized drama strategies such as 'teacher in role' and 'side-coaching' but also other diverse approaches including the integration of theater elements such as sound. Her strategies allowed for creativity in both teaching and learning. The study demonstrates the importance of trust and collaboration in interactive classroom relationships. The teacher observed the young children, understood their needs and allowed them time to prepare before guiding them into the world of drama. She let them learn through play. Her understanding of their daily lives allowed good relationships to be built with them.
頁次 061-078
關鍵詞 幼兒戲劇教師 戲劇教學策略 個案研究 kindergarten drama teacher drama teaching strategy case study
卷期 9
日期 201209
刊名 幼兒教保研究期刊
出版單位 國立嘉義大學幼兒教育系