

篇名 線上教師能力內涵之探究
並列篇名 The Study of Online Instructor's Competencies
作者 黃能堂(Huang, Neng-tang) 、翁婉慈(Weng, Wan-tzu)
中文摘要 線上教師乃未來推行高等教育、企業教育訓練以及相關線上課程施行時不可或缺的人物,其在線上課程經營的歷程著重扮演著管理、經營者以及促進者的角色,有別於過去實體教師所著重的教導者、課程設計者、教材發展者以及監督或評鑑者角色,漸漸以團隊經營分工合作引領線上課程的進行。本文綜整相關文獻探究出線上教師的能力內涵,包括:線上課程設計能力、線上教學技巧、線上課程管理能力、線上討論技巧、線上教學評估能力、學習科技應用能力以及線上學習輔導能力等七大軸心能力。文末筆者亦參考經濟部的數位學習講師精修班和美國國際培訓標準協會於2003年所規劃的培訓課程對應本文所歸納的能力內涵提出線上教師培訓課程的建議規劃,希冀未來的線上教師經過良好的培訓後,在專業人力隊伍支持下更能發揮實體課程之外的教學優勢,提供更優質的數位學習品質服務。
英文摘要 Online instructor is the key person to implement e-Learning courses when higher education, enterprise's training, and relevant organizations are engaged in e-Learning courses in the future. Online instructor's role are different with the past who focused on teaching, course designer, teaching material developer, they are focused on the role of manager, developer, and facilitaror, and the e-Learning courses trend to accomplish by a team that divides the work and cooperates together.This study synthesized and summarized literatures on online instructor's competencies, and the core competencies includes e-Learning course design, online teach skill, online course management, online discusses skill, online evaluation, technology application, and online consult. In the end of the study, author refers to the online teacher's training course of Ministry of Economic Affairs and IBSTPI (International board of Standards for Training, Performance and Instruction) to suggest the online instructor's training courses in the future. Hope online instructors after training can after quality teaching advantage in online course.
頁次 1-19
關鍵詞 線上教師 能力 數位學習 Online instructor Competency E-learning
卷期 5
日期 200512
刊名 成人及終身教育學刊
出版單位 中華民國成人教育學會等