

篇名 拉丁文的翻譯與誤譯:談《市場貞潔女》一劇中的重商主義、反智主義、人格分裂、以及同性戀議題
並列篇名 (Mis)interpreting Latin: Mercantilism, Anti-intellectualism, Schizophrenia, and Homosexuality in A Chaste Maid in Cheapside
作者 陳順龍(Chen, Shun-lung)
中文摘要 本篇論文將探討 Thomas Middleton (音譯:湯瑪士‧彌竇騰)在《市場貞潔女》 一劇中,如何透過拉丁文的箝入與交錯複雜的情節,來反映當時意識型態的衝突。 劇中去念大學的兒子,回家對中產階級的父母親與鄰舍只講拉丁文,不管他們聽不 聽得懂,逼得父母鄰舍非得強做解人;如此亂譯一番的結果,觀眾明顯看到了文藝 復興當時大學教育之高遠不可及,和市井之間的笑鬧膚淺—與實際。很明顯地,如 果意識形態橫亙其中,那麼所有的翻譯(詮釋)都必然是誤譯(曲解)。本篇論述亦將探 討「仇視女性的心態」、「同性戀議題」、「重商主義」和「反智思想」的糾葛,所營 造出來的喧嘩嬉鬧與複調多音。
英文摘要 This paper aims to analyze Thomas Middleton’s ideological manipulation of Latin in A Chaste Maid in Cheapside. By having his middle class characters misinterpret the high sounding Latin language into vernacular English, Middleton is asserting mercantilism on one hand, and discrediting intellectualism on the other. In my scope, this anti-intellectualism further picks up the hints of misogyny and homosexuality, thus making the text boisterous and polyphonous. Through the use and abuse of Latin, Middleton also satirizes a schizophrenic love and hate of high learning (university education) among the newly rich middle class families. In fact, A Chaste Maid is a play reflecting as much of mercantilism as it downgrades intellectualism and pedantry, which is particularly outstanding when Latin is inscribed into the script to point to a rupture across which high culture and the middle class ideology contend. Equally obvious is the idea that, when ideology sets in, all interpretations are necessarily misinterpretations.
頁次 059-070
關鍵詞 湯瑪士‧彌兜騰 《市場貞潔女》 意識型態之爭 拉丁文 翻譯 誤譯 重商主義 反智主義 人格分裂 仇視女性心態 同性戀議題 Thomas Middleton A Chaste Maid in Cheapside ideological rupture Latin Interpretation Misinterpretation Polyphonous Mercantilism Anti-intellectualism Schizophrenia Misogyny Homosexuality
卷期 12:1
日期 201401
刊名 SPECTRUM : NCUE Studies in Language, Literature, Translation
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學