

篇名 和而不同:二战后德国公民教育政策的实践模式
並列篇名 Harmony but not Sameness : Practice Model of Civic Education Policy in Germany
作者 苏峰
中文摘要 公民教育在德国有着悠久的历史,二战后在德国公民教育历程中,有两种思想贯穿始终:一是脱离军国主义和纳粹主义,建立走向民主与和平的准则;二是摒弃一元的民族主义思想,实行多元主义的公民教育思想。最终德国形成了 “和而不同,和谐为本”的多元一体模式,文章以上述两种思想为主线,探讨二战后公民教育政策的实践模式。
英文摘要 Civic education has a long history in Germany. There are two kinds of ideas running through the course of civic education in Germany after World War II. First,breaking from militarism and Naziism to establish a criteria towards democracy and peace. Second,abandoning unitarity of nationalist ideology to implement civic education of pluralism. Finally,the model of diversity and unity is “Harmonious and Different,Harmony - oriented” which has been formed. The article is based on two kinds of ideas as the main line to explore Practice model of civic education policy in Germany after the World War II.
頁次 100-106
關鍵詞 德国 公民教育 多元文化教育 政策 实践模式 Germany Civic education Multicultural education policy Practice model
卷期 10:5
日期 201310
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學