

篇名 以平衡記分卡的概念建構協同規劃、預測與補貨系統
並列篇名 Constructing the System of Collaborative Planning,
Forecasting, and Replenishment with the Concept of
Balanced Scorecard Card
作者 盧昆宏(Kuen-Horng Lu)
中文摘要 由於產品生命週期越來越短、市場競爭趨於劇烈,所以,企業的經營模式需從過去的單打獨鬥演變成必須和協力廠商進行協同合作,才能滿足由產品導向轉換成顧客需求導向的趨勢。這樣的趨勢使得跨組織間的協同合作與供應鏈管理的課題受到產業界的高度重視。為成功達此趨勢因素,企業如能導入協同規劃、預測與補貨(CPFR)模式,必能有效提升競爭優勢。因此,本研究將以平衡記分卡(BSC)的概念來建構協同規劃、預測
與補貨,各階段的策略目標、買賣雙方的關鍵績效指標 (KPI) 及各指標之計算公式並繪出協同規劃、預測與補貨的策略地圖。最後,以本研究所建構之理論,協助一家個案公司,建置協同規劃、預測與補貨的關鍵績效指標,並提出相關之建議,使得個案公司於導入過程中順暢並達到最大的成效。
英文摘要 Due to the growing market competition and shorter product duration, the emphasis of a company’s management strategies expand from low cost and high quality to due dates,production flexibility, and service quality improvement. It shows that a company’s management style needs to work with collaborate companies to satisfy customers’ needs. The trend results in the interorganizational collaboration and supply chain management to be
highly noticed by the industrial    field. If an enterprise leads in Collaborative Planning,Forecasting, and Replenishment (CPFR) mode, it can execute interorganizational collaborative successfully and enhance its industrial competitiveness efficiently. Therefore,with the concept of Balanced Scorecard Card    (BSC), this study intends to construct the
strategic goals of CPFR, Key Performance Index (KPI) between seller and buyer, KPI formulas, and CPFR strategic maps. Finally, based on this study’s statements, a company’s processing steps of CPFR and KPI will be provided with suggestions to reach the maximum effect during conducting.
頁次 095-114
關鍵詞 協同規劃 預測與補貨 平衡記分卡 關鍵績效指標 策略地圖 Collaborative Planning Forecasting and Replenishment Balanced Scorecard Card Key Performance Index Strategy Map
卷期 46:2
日期 201210
刊名 人文與社會研究學報
出版單位 國立臺南大學