

篇名 耶~我喜歡閱讀-幼稚園實施分享閱讀教學之研究
並列篇名 Yeah! I Like Reading!—Research of Shared Reading in Kindergarten
作者 谷瑞勉 、王怡靜
中文摘要 本研究為在高雄市某國小附設幼兒園大班針對14名幼兒,運用33本圖畫書,進行三個月之分享閱讀教學;目的在探究教師進行分享閱讀的歷程、運用策略及幼兒在閱讀上的表現。採行動研究法,透過觀察、訪談、錄影、錄音、並對幼兒作品與討論內容等相關資料進行分析與歸納。其研究結果發現如下: 一、孩子在愉快、無壓力的分享閱讀環境中學習能引發對閱讀的興趣,透過多元策略引導,能增進幼兒一般的語文能力。 二、分享閱讀的有效策略包括:預測、適當提問與討論、重複閱讀、連結與比較、解讀插畫、讀者劇場、獨立閱讀等。 三、閱讀材料除為可預測性外,還要考慮與幼兒文化背景及生活經驗的關連。運用讀者劇場更能增進幼兒的閱讀動力。 四、分享閱讀後幼兒在對故事知覺、回應和閱讀態度方面都有正面表現。最後提出實施分享閱讀教學的實務建議及後續研究之參考。
英文摘要 This action research was conducted in a kindergarten class of fourteen 5-year old children for three months. The purpose was to explore the process and strategies of the teacher's shared reading. Data were collected through observation, sound and video recording, daily journal and other document. The conclusions are as follows: 1. Encouraging children to read through a diverse way of shared reading under less pressure can improve their language ability in general. 2. The strategies of shared reading work for young children included predicting, appropriate questioning, repeated reading, discussing, connecting and comparing, reading theater and independent reading. 3. The choosing of picture books in shared reading has to consider children's cultural background and life experiences. Reader theater activity can apparently increase their motivation for reading. 4. Children can scaffold each other during independent reading. Their reading performances after conducting shared reading are improved. Applying shared reading can improve the teacher's professional development. Advices for teachers' practice and future research are discussed.
頁次 045-060
關鍵詞 分享閱讀 閱讀教學策略 幼兒閱讀 幼兒園 可預測性圖畫書 shared reading reading strategies young children kindergarten predictable picture books
卷期 9
日期 201209
刊名 幼兒教保研究期刊
出版單位 國立嘉義大學幼兒教育系