

篇名 农村义务教育教师绩效工资缘何“被绩效”?
並列篇名 Why Teachers' Merit Pay in Rural Compulsory Education is Imposed on?
作者 宁本涛
中文摘要 义务教育绩效工资改革旨在激发教师积极投身教书育人事业,充分挖掘教师潜力,吸引和鼓励优秀人才长期从教,终身从教。然而,一些财政不充足县域农村教师绩效工资的实行不仅没有调动一线教师的积极性,反而导致了相当一部分教师消极怠工。教师绩效工资政策有效落实的关键是确保“教育公平与民主”的价值定位。教育行政部门要合理核算农村中小学教师编制,加强义务教育基本经费保障、福利保障与法律保障制度建设,提高政府部门人员的法律意识力,政策的贯彻力和执行力,依法明确各级政府的责任。奖励性绩效工资发放要向农村教师倾斜,学校要积极探索教师绩效工资考核评价指针体系和分配等次的特殊性。
英文摘要 The teachers merit pay in compulsory education is aimed at stimulating vast teachers, involving themselves in education, excavating their potentials, attracting and encouraging excellent person to take part in education perpetually. But, actual findings discover that much teachers' merit pay in poor country compulsory education is not only removing the teachers enthusiasm, but also make many of teachers slack in their work. The key of country teachers merit pay system is how to conduct the process on “education fair” location problem, in addition, the education administrative unit should check computation about the teachers formation according to local condition, and reinforce compulsory education basic safeguarding on cost, welfare, and law, increasing the legal consciousness, policy implement and executive force of government departments staff also. At last, merit pay should bias to rural teacher and schools should explore the specific assessment criteria system and distribution arrangement on teachers performance pay system actively.
頁次 051-060
關鍵詞 农村义务教育 教师绩效工资 被绩效 可容忍性差距 rural compulsory education teachers' merit pay impose on teachers tolerable disparity
卷期 8:2
日期 201104
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學