

篇名 以經費補助公式進行學校間的資源分配可以達到「教育均等」嗎?以斯里蘭卡為例
並列篇名 Can “Equity in Education” be Achieved Through Resource Allocation Via Formula Funding of Schools? Sri Lankan Case
作者 B. M. Jayantha Balasooriya
中文摘要 發展中國家的教育資源分配議題在最近數十年被廣泛討論,許多措施都在企圖縮小學校間的資源落差;但儘管如此,學校資源分配不均的情形仍然顯著。教育均等是教育的核心原則。社會福利經濟學的經濟學家並以此來評估制度性安排。要達到教育體制的均等,需要實施設計良好的機制,例如經費補助公式。教育經濟學家也關注資源分配的公平與結果的公平。本文的目的是探討關於發展中和已發展國家資源均等分配的原理的文獻,並以斯里蘭卡進行個案探討。目前,學校已採用經費補助公式,這種合理並透明的機制來分配教育資源,以確保程序上與分配上的平等。本文的研究結果可供想以資源分配方式達到均等的政策制定者參考。
英文摘要 Issues of resourcing schools in developing countries were discussed during the past several decades, and actions were taken to minimise resource allocation disparities; nonetheless the disparities of distribution of resource allocation to schools were still evident to some extent. Equity is fundamental principle in the field of education, and economists use this criterion to evaluate institutional arrangements from a welfare economics perspective. To establish equity in the education system, a well-designed mechanism like formula funding of schools needs to be used. Education economists are also concerned with equity in the resource allocations and outcomes.The objective of this article is to review principles of equity of resource allocation employing literature relevant to many developed and developing countries with special focus to Sri Lanka as a case. At present, schools have adopted formula funding of schools which is a rational and transparent mechanism of resource allocation, to ensure procedural and distributional equity. Findings presented in this article pave the way for policymakers to act towards resource allocation in order to ensue equity properties.
頁次 057-107
關鍵詞 教育均等 經費補助公式 NBUCRAM equity formula funding of schools NBUCRAM
卷期 70
日期 201105
刊名 比較教育
出版單位 中華民國比較教育學會