

篇名 有关运动的语言理解的知觉模拟
並列篇名 Dynamic Mental Simulations during Comprehension of Motion Descriptions
作者 伍丽梅 、莫雷 、王瑞明
中文摘要 针对阅读理解是建构抽象命题网络的传统理论,知觉符号理论提出:阅读加工是建构语言所述事件的知觉模拟,并由此推论:有关运动的语言理解包括动态的知觉模拟。该动态模拟假设得到一些实证研究的支持。行为学上的研究证明了语言理解中动态知觉模拟的存在,还对这种模拟的机制进行了初步探讨。该假设也得到一些认知神经科学研究的支持。作为一种新兴的观点,动态模拟假设还需要深入的检验,以进一步充实知觉符号理论的语言理解模拟观。
英文摘要 In contrast to traditional view that discourse comprehension is network-building, perceptual symbol theory proposes to view comprehension process as to construct perceptual simulations of the state of affairs it denotes. On this view, understanding descriptions about motions activates dynamic mental simulations. There is not only behavioral but also neuroscience evidence for this assumption. It's suggested that the processing mechanisms recruited to construct simulations during language comprehension are also used during corresponding motion process. But the definitiveness of this assumption must await further empirical investigations and the perceptual symbol theory remains to be validated in the domain of language comprehension.
頁次 605-612
關鍵詞 语言理解 知觉模拟 知觉符号理论 命题符号理论 comprehension perceptual simulations perceptual symbol theory propositional symbol theory
卷期 15:4
日期 200707
刊名 心理科學進展
出版單位 中國科學院心理研究所