

篇名 高齡教育工作者課程規劃能力評估之研究:以樂齡學習資源中心為例
並列篇名 The Assessment of Program Planning Capacity for Educators of the Active Aging Learning Resource Center
作者 魏惠娟 、施宇澤
中文摘要 高齡學習課程設計對於健康老人與失能老人同等重要,但研究發現,實務工作者在課程規劃與設計方面的能力普遍薄弱。本研究目的是在評估高齡教育工作者課程規劃能力,研究內容計有:
本研究對象為2008 年獲教育部補助設置「樂齡學習資源中心」之380位經營者。研究結果發現,半數以上的規劃者未有規劃經驗,也不曾接受相關培訓,在情境分析、學習活動設計與活動行銷能力上較弱,研究也發現,實務工作者的規劃經驗及培訓經驗對於其規劃能力有預測力。
英文摘要 "The curriculum designed for both healthy seniors and mentally incapable seniors is critical. Previous studies revealed that practitioners are generally incompetent in program planning capabilities. This study is to assess practitioners’ capabilities of curriculum planning based on indicators developed in the previous study. The specific research topics including the followings:
1. Analyze practitioners’ capabilities of curriculum planning in general.
2. Analyze practitioners’ understanding of the curriculum planning indicators and their self-evaluation of those capabilities.
3. Observe the gap between practitioners’ understanding of planning indicators and their own capabilities.
4. Analyze background factors of those practitioners’ that can make prediction.
The sample of this study is members in 2008 government sponsored “Active Aging Resource Center”, there are total 380 people surveyed.
According results of the study, more than half of the programmers neither have relevant experienced nor necessary training. It has been proven that most of the practitioner’s planning theory is weak; especially, situation analysis,learning activities planning, and marketing strategies. The study also reveals that planning experiences and training level these two factors can be used to predict their planning capabilities.
頁次 1-40
關鍵詞 adult educators’ training training educators for the elderly program planning capability curriculum planning capability 高齡教育工作者培訓 成人教育工作者培訓 方案規劃能力 課程規劃能力
卷期 13
日期 200912
刊名 成人及終身教育學刊
出版單位 中華民國成人教育學會等