

篇名 咼中英语教材(北师大版)“QUOTE‧‧‧UNQUOTE”专栏教学策略探析
並列篇名 Teaching Strategies on ”QUOTE‧‧‧UNQUOTE” Column in Senior High English
作者 张忠慧(Zhang, Zhong-hui)
中文摘要 北师大高中英语教材中的“ QUOTE • • • UNQUOTE”专栏是教材内容的“点睛”之 笔。专栏所选名言警句紧密联系单元主题,凸显西方文化与价值,蕴含深刻的哲理;其语言修 辞色彩浓厚、结构严谨,具有独特的教学价值。该专栏内容的教学应讲求“说”、“研”、“悟”、 “赏”、“用”等策略。
英文摘要 ”QUOTE • • • UNQUOTE” column in Senior High English is the ”striking point” of the teaching materials. The sayings and epigrams selected in this column are closely related to the topic in each unit, they highlight western.culture and values, contain profound philosophy; the language of the sayings and epigrams are rich in rhetoric methods and the sentence structures are compact. The column has its unique teaching values. To teach this column effectively,we should employ these strategies: ’’discussing”,”researching' ”tasting”,” appreciating,,and ”using”.
頁次 088-100
關鍵詞 “ QUOTE‧‧‧UNQUOTE”专栏 教学价值 教学策略 “ QUOTE‧‧‧UNQUOTE”column teaching values teaching strategies
卷期 8:1
日期 201102
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學