

篇名 福建省公立高中国际课程实验班发展研究
並列篇名 The Review of the Development of Public High schools, International Course Experimental Classes in Fujian
作者 雷兰川
中文摘要 公立高中国际课程实验班是目前福建省高中阶段中外合作办学的主要形式之一。历经近十年的发展,福建省已经有12所公立高中开办了共13个国际课程实验班,引入了一批优质教育资源,取得了很好的办学效益。通过举办公立高中国际班引入优质教育资源,促进了福建省高中课程改革和高中多样化发展。要促进福建省公立高中国际课程实验班的进一步发展,需要在政府的规范和指导下有序开展办学,开办国际班的学校要在推动基础教育国际化的高度统一认识,进一步提升国际班的办学质量,深化对外交流与合作,为我国基础教育“走出去”积蓄力量。
英文摘要 Public High schools,International Course Experimental Classes is the main form of Sino - foreign cooperation in running schools of secondary education in Fujian Province. Now, Fujian has 13 International Course Experimental Classes in 12 high schools after ten years' development, which have introduced some high quality educational resources and made a great help for the development of the schools. What's more, they have promoted the curriculum reform and diversified development of high schools in Fujian. In the future, government should provide more guidances for International Course Experimental Classes . Schools which have International Course Experimental Classes should reach a common sense from the aspect of promoting the internationalization of fundamental education, make efforts to improve the quality of International Course Experimental Classes and deepen the international communication and cooperation.
頁次 094-099
關鍵詞 中外合作办学 国际课程 高中 sino - foreign cooperation in running schools international course high school
卷期 10:5
日期 201310
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學