

篇名 小学生性别角色观念差异的实证研究——以汶川县小学生为例
並列篇名 Empirical Research of Primary School Gender Roles: A Case Study of Primary School Students in Wenchuan County
作者 张建敏
中文摘要 本文意在探析汶川县小学生性别角色观念的现状,为汶川县小学生构建合理的性别角色观提供理论参考和现实依据。主要采用自编《小学生性别角色观念调查问卷》并结合一定量的访谈,对汶川县近180名小学生进行性别角色观念的调查。调查发现,汶川县小学生性别角色观念受性别、年级、寄宿与非寄宿、是否独生子女等因素影响,呈现两极分化的趋势,即男生的性别角色观念比女生更趋刻板,高年级学生的性别角色观念比低年级学生更趋刻板,寄宿制学生的性别角色观念的刻板现象比非寄宿学生更甚,而学生在家庭中是否是独生子女对学生的性别角色观念没有影响。笔者认为,汶川县小学生性别角色观念现状应该予以关注,需引导学生建立合理的性别角色观念,促进小学生人格的健全发展。
英文摘要 Objective: Analysis the concept of primary school gender roles in wenchuan county Status to provide the theoretical and practical basis for forming reasonable gender roles of primary school students. Methods: Use the gender roles questionnaire of primary school students to investigate 180 students in wenchuan county and apply a certain amount of interviews. Result: The concept of primary school gender roles is affected by gender, grade, boarding and non boarding and whether one-child or not, besides it appears polarized trend. What is that the level of gender roles Stereotypes in boys is higher than girls; the high school students rather than the lower grades; the boarding students is even worse than the non-boarding students; students is the only child in the family has no effect on students' gender roles. Conclusion: we must concern the situation of the primary school gender roles in wenchuan, guide the students to form rational gender roles correctly and improve primary school students' harmonious healthy growth.
頁次 099-128
關鍵詞 性别角色观念 小学生 性别意识 gender roles primary school gender awareness
卷期 9:5
日期 201210
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學