

篇名 臺灣地區國中同儕性騷擾現況及其相關因子之研究
並列篇名 Sexual Harassment Victimization and Related Factors of Junior High School Students in Taiwan
作者 馮嘉玉 、晏涵文 、李思賢 、高松景
中文摘要 本研究目的在了解臺灣地區學生於國中校園生活中所遭遇的同儕性騷擾現況,並探討知識、社會支持與生活技能等因素與男女生遭遇同儕性騷擾經驗間的相關情形。研究資料取自於2008年教育部全國中小學性教育成果之橫斷式問卷調查研究,採叢集抽樣方式選取全國公私立高中職一年級剛入學學生樣本共計2,276人,由受試者根據自己就讀國中時期的同儕性騷擾經驗作答。在本研究中,9成以上的受試者曾在國中三年裡遭遇一種以上來自同儕的言語或肢體騷擾行為,而自己感受曾遭到同儕性騷擾的人數比率則接近3成,但男生受到一種以上肢體騷擾的比例顯著高於女生。將男女生資料分開進行複迴歸分析後發現,情感表達溝通技巧越好,但拒絕與自我控制技巧越差的男生,與社會支持度越差、情感表達溝通技巧越好,但拒絕與自我控制技巧越差的女性,所遭受到的同儕「言語騷擾」、「肢體騷擾」與「自覺認知騷擾」頻率越高。此研究結果可作為未來國中校園同儕性騷擾防治教育介入的參考。
英文摘要 In the present study, we aimed to explore the status quo of sexual harassment at junior high schools in Taiwan and to examine the relationships among knowledge, social support, life skills and experience of peer sexual harassment. Data on sexuality education outcomes in Taiwan in 2008 were taken from a cross-sectional questionnaire survey of Taiwanese elementary schools and high schools by the Ministry of Education. Cluster sampling was used to obtain a sample of 2,276 new students (49.8% are boys) at senior high schools in Taiwan. Over 90% respondents had experienced at least one kind of peer sexual harassment behaviors, and there were almost 30% participants self perceiving to be sexually harassed by peers in the previous 3 years in junior high school. Multiple regression analyses were performed in boys and girls respectively. Expression and communication skills, refusal and self-control skills were significant factors to verbal, physical and self-perceived harassing behaviors for both genders. For girls, social support predicted all types of harassment significantly too. The results can be a referral to peer sexual harassment prevention intervention of junior high school students in the future.
頁次 049-070
關鍵詞 同儕性騷擾 國中 junior high school peer sexual harassment
卷期 38
日期 201212
刊名 健康促進與衛生教育學報
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學健康促進與衛生教育學系