

篇名 中、小學校長領導核心能力建構之研究
並列篇名 A Study on the Construction of Principals' Leadership Competence
作者 楊振昇 、林松柏
中文摘要 社會環境變革快速,學校教育宜妥為因應,尤其「有怎樣的校長,就有怎樣的學校」,故校長核心領導能力之建構有其必要。本研究以榮獲教育部2004及2005年「校長領導卓越獎」之校長為主要研究對象,藉以建構中、小學校長領導之核心能力。本研究主要運用半結構訪談、專家問卷調查、理論架構驗證與權重問卷調查等方法,進行領導核心能力之充實、修正,以及實證資料驗證與權重建構。研究結果顯示,中、小學校長領導核心能力指標體系包括道德、靈性、情緒、創意、智力與生理六大商數,18個向度,以及61項具體內容。
英文摘要 The social environment has been changed rapidly, so the education of school needs to response appropriately. Although the role of principal influences the development of school highly, there is not much research about the principals' change leadership competence. This study is aiming at exploring the construct of principals' leadership competence by surveying the principals who was awarded the Principal Excellent Leadership Medal from MOE. The main methods applied in this study were semi-structured interviews, expert survey, theoretical model test and weight construction survey. The analysis results show that principals' leadership competence can be classified into six quotients according to importance: moral, spiritual, emotional, creative, intelligence, and physical. Besides, there are 18 main dimensions, and 61 indicator items.
頁次 043-077
關鍵詞 核心能力 校長領導 校長領導卓越獎 core competence principals' leadership principal excellent leadership medal
卷期 2:2
日期 201212
刊名 教育行政研究
出版單位 中華民國教育行政學會