

篇名 教育行政研究之新應用:概念圖方法與案例
並列篇名 A New Approach of the Study of Educational Administration: Concept Maps and Their Cases
作者 王如哲(Wang, Ru-jer)
中文摘要 在1980年代,Novak與Gowin提出概念圖應用在精進教學和有意義學習之潛在可能性,爾後出現不少運用概念圖為教學工具的研究。在研究上,國外也出現應用於教育行政研究之實例,諸如:「使用概念圖評估初等學校校長之訓練」、「學校領導之學習:使用概念圖探究源自日常經驗之學習」、「原因圖和學校領導者之隱性知識」,但國內尚未有應用研究實例。本文旨在闡述概念圖方法及其相關應用實例,以了解如何予以應用,並開啟教育行政研究之新發展。本文內容包括概念圖方法和概念圖相關研究應用情況,並闡述國外概念圖應用於教育行政之有關案例,最後提出有關之啟示,以作為本文結語。
英文摘要 The purpose of this article is examine concept maps and their application in the study of educational administration. In the 1980s, Novak and Gowin indicated the potential use of concept mapping for the enhancement of teaching and meaningful learning. Since then a considerable number of studies employing concept ma maps as instructional tool could be found.There are a number of research focusing on educational administration such as“Using concept mapping to evaluate the training of primary school leaders";“Learning for school leadership: Using concept mapping to explorelearning from everyday experience";“Cause maps and school leaders, tacit knowledge."In contrast, lack of this kind of research in Taiwan. The purposesof this article are to look at researches relating to concept maps so as to realize the practice of application in educational administration and the relevant studies and to look at key concepts of concept maps in order to understand how to apply them to the study of educational administration in Taiwan.Based on the results, concluding remarks are made in the final part of thisarticle.
頁次 037-052
關鍵詞 研究案例 教育行政 概念圖 research case educational administration concept map
卷期 1:1
日期 201106
刊名 教育行政研究
出版單位 中華民國教育行政學會