

篇名 国际社会促进教育公平的实践及其对我国的启示
並列篇名 The Practice of International Community to Promote Education in Fairness and its Enlightenment to China
作者 北京教育科学研究院课题组
中文摘要 国际社会对于教育公平的理解包括如下方面:强调儿童享有平等受教育权、关注缩小教育差距、倡导提供[有质量的全民教育]等,为此采取了借助立法与执法手段推进教育公平、完善公共教育资源的公正分配与高效管理机制等措施。我国可以借鉴他国经验,从确立以教育公平为教育持续发展的政策价值取向、充分保障义务教育经费投入、建构合理有效的学业评价体系等方面来推动教育公平事业的发展。
英文摘要 The understanding of education equity of the international community attributes as followings: emphasis on children’s equal right to education, pay attention to narrow the education gap, advocate providing [qualified civil education for civilian] and so on. Taking the means of legislation and law enforcement to promote education equity and improve the equitable distribution of public education resources and the measures of efficient management mechanism. Our nation uses other countries’ experience for reference from the establishment of equitable education for sustainable development of education policy values, the full protection of investment funds putting into compulsory education. To promote the development of education equity, the rational and effective system of academic evaluation should be set up.
頁次 3-10
關鍵詞 教育公平 全民教育 借鉴 启示 education equity civil education use for reference enlightenment
卷期 6:6
日期 200906
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學