

篇名 NMDA受体的结构与药理学特性
並列篇名 Structure and Pharmacology Properties of NMDA Receptor
作者 韩太真 、李延海
中文摘要 NMDA受体是一类离子型谷氨酸受体,其功能主要参与发育过程中神经回路的细化及触发多种形式的突触可塑性。近年来的证据表明,组成NMDA受体的亚单位有着复杂的生理学和药理学特性;NMDA受的数量、分布和亚单位组成并非一成不变,而是在发育过程中、神经元活动时,以一种细胞特异性和突触特异性的方式变化着。这种NMDA受体的双向变化是突触可塑性重塑的基础,而其调节的异常又可导致神经─精神疾病的发生,如可卡因成瘾、精神分裂症等。
英文摘要 Within the large family of excitatory ionotropic glutamate receptors(iGluRs), N─methy─D─aspartate receptors(NMDARs)constitute a subfamily which involved in refinement of the neural circuits during development and various forms of synaptic plasticity. In recent years, increasing evidence indicates that different NMDA receptor subunits confer complex physiological and pharmacological properties. The number, distribution and subunit composition of NMDA receptors are not static bu dynamic in a cell─specific and synaptic specific change during development and neuronal activities. The bi─directional changes in NMDA receptors are the basis of synaptic plasticity remodeling, and the abnormal regulation can lead to the occurrence of nerve─mental illness, such as cocaine addiction and schizophrenia.
頁次 464-474
關鍵詞 receptor subunits synaptic plasticity NMDA receptors 受体亚单位 NMDA受体 突触可塑性
卷期 16:3
日期 200805
刊名 心理科學進展
出版單位 中國科學院心理研究所